User Guide


Display help

Open the list of available commands that are supported by Duke

Keyword: help

Create task

Creates a task with description only

Keyword: todo

Create task with deadline

Creates a task with description and a time limit

Keyword: deadline

Create event with timing

Creates an event with description, date and time

Keyword: event

Mark task as done

Mark a task/deadline task/event as done

Keyword: done

Display the list of tasks

Open the list of available tasks

Keyword: list

Delete task

Delete a task/deadline task/event

Keyword: delete

Clear all tasks

Delete all the tasks saved inside the memory

Keyword: clear

Save changes

Save any changes made since starting up duke

Keyword: save

Find task

Search for all tasks/deadline tasks/events that contains the keyword

Keyword: find

Terminate program

Terminate the program

Keyword: bye


Display help

Enter the keyword help

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Duke supports the following commands

Please enter the keyword followed by details required in the <>

todo <task details> ————————— Create a new task

deadline <task details> /by: <timing details> - Create a new task with a time element

event <event details> /at: <timing details> — Create a new event with a time element

done <task number> —————————- Mark task as done

delete <task number> ————————– Delete task

list —————————————— List all available tasks and events

bye ——————————————- Shutdown Duke

Create task

Enter keyword todo followed by the description of the task to create a new incomplete task with that description.

Example of usage:

todo get eggs

Expected outcome:

The following task has been created:

  1. [T][NotDone] get eggs

Total number of incomplete tasks: 1

Create task with deadline

Enter the keyword deadline, the task description, keyword /by, and lastly the intended deadline, all on the same line

Example of usage:

deadline OCIP planning \by 20 Mar 2020 18:00

Expected outcome:

The following task has been created:

  1. [D][NotDone] OCIP planning (by: 20 Mar 2020 18:00)

Total number of incomplete tasks: 2

Create event with timing

Enter the keyword event, the event description, keyword /at, and lastly the intended date and time, all on the same line

Example of usage:

event attend open house /at 8 Mar 2020 12:00

Expected outcome:

The following task has been created:

  1. [E][NotDone] attend open house (at: 8 Mar 2020 12:00)

Total number of incomplete tasks: 3

Mark task as done

Enter the keyword done followed by the index number of the task (the index number could be checked using the list command)

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I’ve marked this task as done:

[Done] get eggs

Total number of incomplete tasks: 2

Display the list of tasks

Enter the keyword list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here is a list of all your tasks:

  1. [T][Done] get eggs

  2. [D][NotDone] OCIP planning (by: 20 Mar 2020 18:00)

  3. [E][NotDone] attend open house (at: 8 Mar 2020 12:00)

Total number of incomplete tasks: 2

Delete task

Enter the keyword delete followed by the index number of the task (the index number could be checked using the list command)

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

get eggs has been deleted!

Clear all tasks

Enter the keyword clear

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Your changes have been saved successfully

Save changes

Enter the keyword save

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Warning! This command will delete all your tasks, proceed?(Y/N)

If user enters Y:

Your tasks have been cleared

If user enters N:

Command has been cancelled

Find task

Enter the keyword find, followed by the search term

Example of usage:

find OCIP

Expected outcome:

Here are the relevant tasks in your list:

  1. [D][NotDone] OCIP planning (by: 20 Mar 2020 18:00)

Terminate program

Enter the keyword bye, then enter “Y” to save changes, “N” to exit without saving

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Would you like to save your changes?(Y/N)

If user enters Y:

Your changes have been saved successfully

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

If user enters N:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!